Thursday, October 05, 2006


Anger...Its a very unhealthy emotion. So they say.. But is it? Right now, i am filled with so much of it that i dont know wher the line that divides love and hate blurs. Both are very strong emotions. Sometimes i feel they can even overlap...sounds dumb? I dont think so. Because, i can feel it.
Coming back to anger... I am supposed to hav a lot of work right now, but this emotion is clutching at my insides...and spreading...and you know what. I dont actually mind it so much. Almost as if it is willing me to press forward. Oh, if you are wondering who or wat i am angry at....keep wondering!! ;-)

But, believe aint such a bad times...


shivi said...

guess the title was suppozd to be "Ambivalence"


V. Archana said...

you might be right to a certain extent that that love and anger,both are strong emotions and that they also overlap or whatever...
but when u just over express the "love" ,its not gonna harm u or anyone around you,whereas if u over express "anger", its will only lead to something equally bad which u had already described as confluence of emotions in one of your earlier posts[hatred,depression...]
and ya...the latter might also lead to loss of anything materialistic,which i consider most of them to be temperory but when the same leads misunderstandings with a person whom u care for or anyone whose very dear to you,its painful...
no matter how much stronger emotion love is,anger cannot really overlap
the former,and it shouldnt also,because i believe...
anger ruins a person,whereas love makes him a better person in life...
what say?? :-)

and ya..i havnt created a blog page of my own coz i`m not a frequent blogger..its very recently that i`ve started to do so.but very soon i`ll have one of my own. :-)