Sunday, March 29, 2009

Three Cups of Tea

Mortenson's "3 cups of tea" is a marvel. Though it is written as a novel, it is an actual account of Greg Mortenson's journey through the years, ever since he made a promise to the village headman of a small, impoverished and remote village in the unforgiving altitudes near the Himalayas in Pakistan. That was a promise to build a school for Korphe's children. Mortenson was reeling at the time from a failed attempt to climb K2 and as fate may have it, wandered lost and disillusioned into this village. Here he was taken care of by the people and especially its headman, Haji Ali.

Mortenson has been declared as "An American Hero" by many. I'm not sure about the American part of it, but he definitely is a hero. At a time when Americans were treated with fear and hostility in that part of the world, this is a person who has made it a virtual second home, with his tireless dedication to the cause. A cause which ultimately is as powerful an attempt to curb the growth of religious extremists in the region as any war waged. A large proportion of the kids who join extremist groups end up doing so because of a lack of alternatives. A lack of an alternative to studying in an extremist madrassa. Or to joining fundamentalist groups thereafter. Mortenson’s schools give these kids in areas that are far beyond the reach of their countries' governments, a chance to a normal education, especially the girls. And he comes across as an unbiased citizen of the world, who tries to clear up a lot of misconceptions people, especially Americans, may have had about Muslims since 9/11.

The book takes us from his arduous journey building one school, to finding his network of support in Pakistan and Afghanistan as well as the US, to building hundreds of schools in the area. There is a part where he goes into the heart of the Wazir tribes villages, and how he gets locked up for sometime, before they let him go, and of how, plenty of so called conservative mullahs become vocal supporters of his cause for education of their children, especially the girls.

The books tagline says "One Man's Mission to Promote Peace... One School at a Time". There could not be a more fitting title. At a time when the world is reeling under the effects of terror in various forms, this is an inspiring account which can restore faith in the power of goodness. I would suggest everyone to get a copy of this one or at least check out their website at:


Dhan said...

Sounds interesting, Fella... Tnx for d Post! I hope atleast the future of the pakistan will be +ve by givin Young generation a proper education...

prav said...

Sure 'fella'! therz always hope in abundance!