Monday, July 28, 2008

The Inheritance of a New Beginning

Sometimes u just gotta let GO....
There are people in your life who you just feel they have to be there. Throughout. As a presence through all ur high and low points. Or you feel more like, they will be there. They become a part of you as urself, that it becomes very natural.

Until one day it comes crashing down. You realise that it may just have been an illusion. A trick of the mind to anchor your faith onto something or someone. (I guess for an agnostic like myself, it is not such a tough thing to happen). Then comes the tough part.

How do you reconcile yourself to the fact that the anchor you thought will always be there, may just not be what you thought. That fairytales may just not happen. That you may have been fooling yourself into believing this illusion.

Two things can happen. You can allow the claws of jealousy and hatred and anger wrap themselves around you and sulk. Or you can get on with it. Accept that you have also made mistakes in life and move on, remembering the good moments and that nobody or nothing is perfect.

I guess i have in the past allowed too much of the former to get the better of me. Not this time. This time, I'll actually try to be the dude. ;-)

And... as the bard says... therein lies a long story.


Rivas said...

Do I sense a loss of an emotional anchor here? You wizard of broken relationships... Hast thou done it once again?

prav said...

dude... as iv told u befor.. a RELATIONSHIP is an entirely different ballgame... i was never in one.. and the dynamics of gettin out of THAT is totally different!

Rivas said...

we got our definitions mismatched. A relationship is something that you were in. And the feelings you are going through are of one breaking out of one.

Denial isnt going to make a whole lot of difference to the truth.

prav said...

hehe.. i dont deny something similar happened.. im just sayin ur point of view in these kinda things is pretty narrow