Friday, November 30, 2007

Hypocrisy and the Indian...

I've always wondered about this. I'm not forsaking or attacking anyone here, just something i find a bit annoying or even funny at times. You do wonder if people are like this anywhere else. The tendancy to speak or act in total discord to what is expected or what you say...
I mean, lets look at the attitude most indians have towards sex. You say the word out or start talkin anything about it frankly, they act as if we have sinned. But like i heard, the country has a friggin population of 1 billion! Somebody's gotta be doin it somewhere!! Or, an american pal i made recently, who wondered at the fact that talk of sex is supposed to be taboo, but how come the only thing you see when you channel surf these days on TV is skin show. And that too...pretty suggestive stuff most of the time(and you hear of actresses saying they would not kiss on screen. Most of the stuff they do on screen suggestively would anyday qualify as obscene in my book). Although i gotta admit, things are better than they used to be, i guess...
Then of course, there are the veggies or the non veggies(whichever way you choose to look at it), who are non veggie but dont eat meat on particular days of the week, coz of certain God knows what supernatural phenomena. What i cant understand is, if you do eat meat, how in the world does it make a difference if you eat it on a sunday and not on a saturday? Do the animals love being dead on a particular day and not on others? Yes, yes, i know its all got to do with beliefs, but, whatever...
Talkin of beliefs, you have graduates or people who may have studied in major universities, who would still probably come back to look at how their stars align according to some village astrologer, or to get a blessing maybe by being kicked in the head by some saint. Wonder what is the whole point of calling yourself educated. And before anybody points out that beliefs should always remain, i have to say, there is a big difference between a belief and plain stupidity.
And then of course you have the Great Indian Marriage Trick, where people talk of great love but choose brides or grooms depending on purely practical choices. I guess there is no other thing which sullies the image of what a marriage is really supposed to mean than the amazing routine activity people seemed to have made it into here. We talk of democracy and how people have to connect irrespective of religion or caste...until of course parents find out their kid wants to get married to someone from another religion or even caste. wow-ee. When are people going to realise that for interracial harmony, things have to start from a grassroot level?

Anywayz...before i vent out any further and go absolutely crazy.. i guess i'l sign off...


Shanks_P said...

Nice write up buddy ....some thoughts to add on ....
We can have educated belivers to get kicked by a saint on their head if we can afford a president who has experienced in her dreamz that god came and told her 'she will be the next president' and also got a 'connection' with god.

Abt veggie/ non veggie, now a days there is another verison of Indian Non -veggie ...who eats only egg or only chicken :)

On screen u see more obscene than any where else. English movies at least keep fair to the rating they get G/PG/A but we have everything under G but feel like a ;)

prav said...

:-) .. good to see that ther are ppl who feel the same way.. i thought il get besieged by ppl wanting to run me out of the country!!

prachi said...

Good one dude....I also came across these non veggie too had same question ....:)...all your thoughts are absolutely sane....I know u have some wrong notions about me...but hey..I might have made some mistakes in btw but ultimately I marreid guy of my choice...without indian marriage please try to take me in your u..keep writing...