Monday, October 01, 2007

Bhagat Singh opines...

The past weekend, i met up with a friend who used to work in my office, and who has now gone on to better things(good for him! :-) ). While it was wonderful to catch up after a long time, one of the things i love to do is talk about or listen to a passionate outpouring of one's ideals, especially if it is of interest to me. And that afternoon, sitting in the pleasant Pune weather, that is what we did. It started of as a discussion on religious beliefs and atheism, and ended up into one covering almost all aspects of Indian civilisation and beliefs. To be more precise, i did most of the listening, with genuine interest. I am pretty passionate about ideals and people i believe in, and it was refreshing to talk to someone of like mindedness, who just wanted to genuinely get his views across.

This took my mind back to earlier in the year, when the same person had sent me a link to an article by Bhagat Singh, citing his views on Atheism and why he follows it. A truly mind numbing one, in which the intelligence of the man shines through. While i am not exactly an atheist(yet!), i do have a general feeling of disillusionment and almost scorn to all practises in the name of religion and tradition. The last time i actually put together my hands and prayed to the almighty is a hazy memory by now.

Anywayz... i wanted to share the link to this fascinating article here, in the hope that people will try to read it with an open mind. Thanks, Shivs.. :-)

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