Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Voices Within...

I seem to have a major problem here. My mind is endlessly at war. With my mind. I just can't seem to shut out the voices in my head which keep talkin among themselves every frickin time. I mean, hey, gimme a break! Im tryin to lead a normal happy go frickin lucky life here. But no.. I have to be reminded of my past failures, disappointments, heartbreaks, doubts, fears of whats to come, indecision... And it just does not stop.

So, is it normal? I dunno, but it sure doesnt seem so. And in these times of doubts and wavering goals, it seems to have reached a crescendo.

I gotta get a shrink....


V. Archana said...

there are two situations when u can hear such voices[which i would rather call it as your inner conscience speaking or pricking or whatever]
firstly,when you feel anxious.
And secondly,when you wanna do/say something which you really dunno if its gonna be right and for which u arent confident enough.
Basically you get all such voices and thoughts in your head only after having experienced something which cannot be described as mild.

what say??? :)

prav said...

well...thanx for the input... u know...ur pretty much bang on target ther..impressiv! :-) .. but i cant seem to access ur blogpage though...

Deepak said...
